Member Hike along Goulding Creek 5/13/23 (5/20/23 Rain Date)
Sat, May 13
|Galau Conservation Easement
Join us for a tour of bottomland hardwood, oak-hickory-pine, and beech-filled mesic hardwood forest on a new easement in Oglethorpe County.

Time & Location
May 13, 2023, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Galau Conservation Easement, Oglethorpe County, GA, USA
About the event
Glenn Galau and Wayne Hughes, who placed an easement on their property just last year, will host us for a tour of the beautiful forests around their home. Wayne, who has been studying and enjoying these woods for over three decades, will lead us through a variety of habitats including mesic hardwood forests with mayapples and old beech trees and bottomland hardwood forests with numerous black walnuts and large American elms. The property is located about 25 minutes east of Athens in Arnoldsville. *Please note, during the course of this hike, we will cross a small stream several times and traverse a few steep slopes. One of the slopes may be difficult for anyone with mobility issues. Please plan accordingly. Register here for the hike and contact Theresa Pippin with any questions at